AI Studio

AI Studio

AI Studio

AI Studio

AI Studio

AI Studio

AI Studio
Web Design


Whilst working at &us, we've taken the challenge of helping HP  design a platform for Data Scientists.
The platform enables data scientists to work smarter, not harder, by streamlining workflows, providing real-time insights, and automating repetitive tasks. This will not only save valuable time and resources, but also improve the accuracy and reliability of data-driven decisions.

Our mission was to empower data scientists with the tools and resources they need to succeed in today's rapidly-evolving data landscape.

On the back of our work we've heard: 
- Announcing AI Studio on a major HP event has raised attention from key partners wanting to know more about it and asking how they could plug this in on their orgs.
- C-Level executives have turned their attention on the work we've done and the product has gained importance.
- HP stock went up after the announcement

What our stakeholders loved about our collaboration:
- We've created a clear process with a major focus on the customer
- We have "crazy good communication skills"
-Experience and quality of service was 10/10 and I quote: "you were easy to work with, high performing, quality deliverables and easily actionable, collaborative leaders. You sow people how to do it right...I need you back".

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